Ultrasonic plastic welding is the transmission of high frequency mechanical vibration through the workpiece to the interface part, so that the molecular accelerated movement. The molecular friction is converted into heat to melt the plastic at the interface, thus making the two welds truly bonded as one in the way of molecular connection. Because this molecular movement is completed in an instant, so most of the ultrasonic plastic welding can be completed within 0.25 ~ 0.5s.
Branson's plastic welding technology has been successfully used in the automotive warranty bars, dashboards and dashboards, brake display lights, direction indicators, car door panels and other engine-related parts manufacturing industry. In recent years, many traditional metal components have been replaced with plastic, such as air intake pipes, instrument Pointers, radiator reinforcement, fuel tanks, filters, etc.
Energy saving and control technology of resistance welding
The development of three-phase low-frequency resistance welder, three-phase secondary rectifier contact welder and IGBT inverter resistance welder can solve the unbalance of the power grid and improve the power factor of the problem, but also can further save energy, conducive to the realization of the parameters of the microcomputer control, can be better applied to welding aluminum alloy, stainless steel and other difficult metal welding. In addition, it can further reduce the weight of the equipment.