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Notes in the operation of pallet welding machine

Publisher: suzhou kailinneng automation equipment co., LTD Release time:2023-03-23 14:59:29 Click on the number of times:59 Shut down
Pallet welding machine in the operation of the button is simple and clear, it is very simple to learn, pallet welding machine after welding products are firm and beautiful, the following pallet welding machine manufacturer - Suzhou Huachuo Automation to tell you about the pallet welding machine workflow. The details are as follows:
Pallet welding consists of 11 steps: Heating to set temperature ---- feeding ---- press the start button, automatically feeding cavity ---- die closing ---- upper and lower clamps clamp the product, die parting ---- hot die forward ---- upper and lower die closing, pallet melting and timing ---- welding time is up, upper and lower die separate, hot die return to ---- upper and lower die closing again, When the curing time is up, the upper die will be separated after the upper fixture is loosened ---- station move to continue welding the lower pallet.
Ultrasonic welding machine in the use of the process we will encounter some problems, so what is the cause of these problems, from the following to give you a specific analysis, the specific content is as follows:
1. Ultrasonic mold fever
There will be a certain heating phenomenon when the ultrasonic mold is working, which is caused by the mechanical loss of the material itself and the heat conduction of the welding parts. The standard for determining whether the welding hair heat is normal is without load (that is, without contact with the workpiece), continuous ultrasonic emission for more than half an hour, the temperature can not exceed 50-70℃, such as heat injury, proof that the welding head has been damaged or the material is unqualified, need to be replaced.
2. Ultrasonic mold noise

When the ultrasonic mold is working, the following reasons should be analyzed:
a. Whether the mounting screws are loose
b. Whether there are cracks in the welding head
c. Whether the welding head is in contact with objects that should not be touched.
3. Ultrasonic generator display overload
When the generator gives an overload alarm, it should be checked as follows:
First, no-load test, if the working current is normal, it may be that the ultrasonic mold contacts the object that should not be contacted or the parameter adjustment between the welding head and the welding seat fails.
Two, no-load test is not normal, should first observe whether the welding head cracks, installation is firm, and then remove the welding head and carry out no-load test, to rule out whether the transducer + amplitude rod problem, step by step to eliminate. After eliminating the possibility of failure of the transducer + amplifiers, the new ultrasonic mold will be disassembled for judgment.
Three, sometimes there will be no load test is normal, but can not work normally, there may be changes in the ultrasonic mold and other sound energy original, resulting in poor sound transmission, here is a relatively simple judgment method: touch method. The normal working of the welding head or the surface of the horn is very uniform amplitude, hand feel is velvet smooth, when the sound transmission is not smooth, with the hand feel there will be bubbles or burrs, then it is necessary to use the elimination method to eliminate the parts in question. When the generator is not normal, it can also produce the same situation, because normally the transducer input waveform should be detected smooth sine wave, when there is a spike or abnormal waveform on the sine wave can also produce this phenomenon, then you can replace with another whole acoustic energy element to distinguish. Note: When welding, the other station can be loaded.